Assistant Professor of
Political Science
Andrea Molle,
started working as a consultant for the Italian MoD (Ministry of Defense); specifically within the CeMiSS (Military Center for Strategic Studies – the Italian Version of DARPA), along with a
Political Science major
Robert Roussel (Political Science and
, ’15).

Professor Molle and Roussel will research — “Operational” Pooling & Sharing. A pragmatic approach to operations within the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). It’s a white paper on the practical military and political implications of pooling and sharing military assets among the members of European Union. The research will be extremely useful towards the future goal of designing a common EU military.

This project is meant to support the efforts of the Italian Government within the European Common Security and
Defence Policy (CSDP) framework. The research team at Chapman will gather quantitative and qualitative data about the recent “Pooling and Sharing” programs in the EU with particular attention to the ones who implemented the concept of “Framework Nations.” Activities, history, and procedures of the Hispano–Italian Amphibious Battle Group and the European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) will also analyzed in depth. The research group led by Dr. Molle will gather and analyze open-source, non-classified, documentation and data retrieved online, and through EU institutional archival research, in English, French, and Spanish. The research team will also conduct interviews with institutional personalities and international renowned experts in the field of CSDP. The goal is to provide enough seed data to be eventually used to calibrate off the shelf game theory models and ad hoc computer simulations.

If you would like more information or are a student and would like to be more involved, please
contact Professor Molle