Author and Professor
Alicia Kozameh
has returned from New York City, where she participated in the
Latin American Studies Association’s (LASA) International Congress, on its 50th anniversary
. The annual conference brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavors across the globe, and is organized by the largest professional Association in the world for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America.

A panel on Professor Kozameh’s literary work, “La palabra poética de Alicia Kozameh: raíces, trayectos y líneas cruzadas” (“The Poetic Word of Alicia Kozameh: Roots, Trajectories and Crossed Lines”), focused on her novels
Patas de avestruz
(Ostrich Legs),
Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr
(Eni Furtado Has Never Stopped Running), and on her newest novel
Bruno regresa descalzo

The members of the panel were professors Marie Rosier from the University of Lyon 2, France, who presented her paper titled,
La palabra poética de Alicia Kozameh: raíces, trayectos y líneas cruzadas;
Laura Scarabelli from the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, whose paper was titled
La palabra vertical: restos autobiográficos e insuficiencias escópicas en
Patas de avestruz
y en
Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr
de Alicia Kozameh,
and Norah Deicas Giraldi from the Universite Lille Nord de France/Lille 3 whose paper title was,
La verdad en las honduras de la palabra.

Alicia Kozameh read several excerpts from
Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr
and from her latest novel
Bruno regresa descalzo
after a discussion between the panelists and the attendees.