53 posts categorized in

Art Collections


From Our Eyes Engagements with the Escalette Collection

January 12, 2022 by Henry Littleworth and Jessica Bocinski | News

The Escalette Collection is looking back at some of the amazing work students created in the Fall 2021 semester based on artwork in the collection. Displaying artwork throughout Chapman’s campus gives students the opportunity to engage with the collection, whether in their classes or just walking by. By bringing their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and knowledge

This Land is Your Land Student Curated Art Exhibition

December 13, 2021 by Jessica Bocinski | News

For the students in Dr. Fiona Shen’s First Year Focus (FFC) class, “Exploring the Escalette Collection of Art: An Experiential Journey,” the weeks leading up to finals looked a little different. That’s because their “final” was to collaboratively curate an art exhibition related to Wilkinson College’s Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice

Food for Thought Art Tour Reheating the Leftovers

December 7, 2021 by | News

Hungry for art? Recently, the Escalette Collection of Art kicked off the holiday season by hosting the inaugural Food for Thought Art Tour, exploring artwork in the collection that features food. This tour was developed and given by Student Art Ambassadors Ivanna Tijitra (‘25) and Yandel Salas (‘25), who focused on themes of food as

Millie Wilson: Light and Memory Art Installation in Smith Hall

November 5, 2021 by Jordan Sapp | News

Millie Wilson’s light box photos are a series of haunting and humorous works that poke at stereotypes, gendered situations, and the mundanity of everyday life. The Escalette Collection of Art has two works of Wilson’s on display in Smith Hall: Untitled (boys in desert) from her 2013 exhibition Some People, and an earlier 2011 work,

“Prayers for Flint” Storyteller and Artist Karen Hampton

November 1, 2021 by | Events

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences hosted textile artist and educator Karen Hampton as part of the Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice to examine the Flint water crisis and its impact on the majority black city. “Prayers for Flint” is her story of the people of Flint, Michigan, who

Artist Karen Hampton: Weaving the Threads of History

July 29, 2021 by Jessica Bocinski | News

We are excited to announce that textile artist, educator, and mentor, Karen Hampton who investigates United States history and explores the continued legacy of slavery in America and the African Diaspora will be a special guest speaker, “Prayers for Flint” for Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice on October 29, 2021 (mark

Rotimi Fani-Kayode The Art of Being an Outsider

June 7, 2021 by Jessica Bocinski | News

In honor of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, the Escalette Permanent Collection of Art in Wilkinson College would like to feature the work and life of Rotimi Fani-Kayode, a Nigerian-British photographer who used his art to capture the black queer experience, to reject homophobia, and to fight for equal political representation during the AIDS crisis. Fani-Kayode was

Chapman Student Unites Art With Activism to Empower a Social Justice Community

June 4, 2021 by Natalia Ventura '21 | News

I was born and raised in the border city of Chula Vista, where every other person and restaurant is Mexican, and every other word switches from Spanish to English. I came to Chapman University to pursue a degree in peace studies, and in my first semester I went from speaking Spanish every day to maybe

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