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From Our Eyes Student Awarded Maureen Bellettini Scholarship

May 16, 2022 by Isabelle Alfonso | News

As a senior majoring in strategic and corporate communication with a minor in studio art I was recently invited to assist and collaborate with Professor Micol Hebron on an art piece for the Skin in the Game Exhibition in Chicago. The Art Department awarded me the Maureen Bellettini Scholarship of $1,400 and a $500 student

Wind and Imagery of Migration: Interview with Escalette artist Bovey Lee

April 8, 2022 by Fiona Shen | Art

In celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month, Escalette Director, Fiona Shen, joins Hong Kong-born artist Bovey Lee, to discuss the imagery of migration and the freedom of creative practice. FS: So much of your imagery is airborne. I’ve noticed paper airplanes, balloons, streamers in the wind and birds, waves, sail boats, and

Challenging the Male Gaze Women Artists Reclaiming Representation

March 14, 2022 by Jessica Bocinski | News

Have you ever heard of the phrase “the male gaze”? It was first coined in 1975 by film critic Laura Mulvey to describe how women are represented in visual arts and literature. She noticed that the women in movies, advertisements, literature, art, etc. were often presented as objects for the pleasure of specifically heterosexual male

From Our Eyes Engagements with the Escalette Collection

January 12, 2022 by Henry Littleworth and Jessica Bocinski | News

The Escalette Collection is looking back at some of the amazing work students created in the Fall 2021 semester based on artwork in the collection. Displaying artwork throughout Chapman’s campus gives students the opportunity to engage with the collection, whether in their classes or just walking by. By bringing their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and knowledge

This Land is Your Land Student Curated Art Exhibition

December 13, 2021 by Jessica Bocinski | News

For the students in Dr. Fiona Shen’s First Year Focus (FFC) class, “Exploring the Escalette Collection of Art: An Experiential Journey,” the weeks leading up to finals looked a little different. That’s because their “final” was to collaboratively curate an art exhibition related to Wilkinson College’s Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice

Food for Thought Art Tour Reheating the Leftovers

December 7, 2021 by | News

Hungry for art? Recently, the Escalette Collection of Art kicked off the holiday season by hosting the inaugural Food for Thought Art Tour, exploring artwork in the collection that features food. This tour was developed and given by Student Art Ambassadors Ivanna Tijitra (‘25) and Yandel Salas (‘25), who focused on themes of food as

My Life as a Cave Diver

November 15, 2021 by | News

The Bensussen Distinguished Lecture in the Arts welcomed Jill Heinerth, Canadian cave diver, underwater explorer, writer, photographer, and film-maker. Heinerth has explored the most dangerous and beautiful underwater caves on earth, discovered never-before-seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs and has led expeditions into extreme environments to advance scientific and geographic knowledge. According to filmmaker James

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