248 posts categorized in

Student Awards/Scholarships


Students Present Papes at National Conference

November 24, 2010 by | News

Seven Wilkinson College students have been accepted to present at the Pacific Sociological Conference and will be traveling to Seattle, WA in March 2011.  Below are the students and the papers they will be presenting. Akio Lloyd (’11),  BA SOC /Minor Anthropology, “Island Harbor Fishermen” Josefine Borrmann (’11), Ethnographic Documentary Major, “Identity Construction and Life Satisfaction of Illegal Immigrants from South

Model UN Team Wins Big in Regional Events

November 23, 2010 by | News

 Chapman University’s Model United Nations team had a great fall semester in regional competitions.Consisting of mostly new members, the team competed at October’s Orange County MUN and faced competition from delegations representing several UC, Cal State and community college campuses.  Lakshmi Odedra, representing India, won the award for Outstanding Research in UNICEF.  Mark Johnston,

Medicine design project gets published

September 27, 2010 by | News

Five undergraduate students from Professor Claudine Jaenichen’s Information Design course will be published in a special issue of the Information Design Journal covering topics in Healthcare. IDJ is a peer-reviewed international journal and an authoritative publication in the discipline of information design. Keely Misenhimer, Brooke Brisbois, Laura Croswaite, Kailah Ogawa, and Chase Conching completed a

History Major Wins American Historical Association National Essay Competition

September 17, 2010 by | History

Hailey Giczy (’09) has won the Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for the Best Article by an Undergraduate for her published senior thesis “The Bum Blockade: Los Angeles and the Great Depression.” The American Historical Association, the largest and most important organization of professional historians, offers the Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for the best article written

History Department Majors and Minors Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Chapman University with a Special Issue of their Award Winning Voces Novae

September 15, 2010 by | History

Voces Novae, Chapman University’s award winning student historical journal, will publish a special issue in the spring of 2011 devoted to the history of the university, especially its meteoric rise to national prominence in the last 30 years.  This special issue will take full advantage of its Open Journal Systems software, with its extensive audio

Three-peat: Chapman’s Alpha Mu-Gamma Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta wins Best Chapter Award for third straight year!

August 30, 2010 by | Student Awards/Scholarships

Isn’t it wonderful when history repeats itself? The Alpha Mu Gamma Chapter has done it again – winning the 2000-2010 Best Chapter Award from the Phi Alpha Theta National Honors Society. This prestigious award was given to our PAT chapter for the whole range of its many activities including hosting the second annual Alpha Mu

2010 Albert Schweitzer Award of Excellence

June 18, 2010 by | News

Concern America Marvin Meyer: Every academic year, at the Chapman University Opening Convocation, we are pleased and honored to present an Award of Excellence named in honor of Albert Schweitzer. Our campus boasts a plethora of busts, but one bust, I believe, is particularly impressive in its bronze prominence. That is the bust of Albert

2009 Albert Schweitzer Award of Excellence

June 18, 2009 by | News

Anthony Garcia-Prats For the past few decades, one of the most imposing figures on our campus has been the figure of Albert Schweitzer. To be sure, Schweitzer died in 1965, but during his lifetime he was a bigger than life character, and his legacy lives on after him. Two former Chapman faculty members, Kurt and

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