457 posts categorized in



Journalism and Humanities Internships

November 7, 2018 by | News

Attention Journalism and Humanities Students! Following is a list of available internships and job openings with links to position descriptions and applications. Deadlines are listed where available. Women’s Leadership Accelerator: Nov. 30 deadline https://journalists.org/programs/womens-leadership-accelerator/ Center for Health Journalism Fellowship: Dec. 14 deadline https://www.centerforhealthjournalism.org/event/2019-california-fellowship CNN-LA Newsource Winter Intern (No deadline given) https://careers.warnermediagroup.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?PageType=JobDetails&partnerid=391&siteid=36&jobId=819843#jobDetails=819843_36 Grant-funded Education Writer for

Blue Wave, Red Tide or Purple Haze Features analysis of the polling, pundits and politicos before the vote

October 22, 2018 by | Art

Please join the Journalism Program, the English Department and Wilkinson College for a symposium on Orange County’s crucial role in the Nov. 6  midterm elections. “Blue Wave, Red Tide or Purple Haze?” features  analysis of the polling, pundits and politicos before the vote. Adam Nagourney, New York Times Los Angeles Bureau Chief Mary Plummer, KPCC

War and Society Represents Chapman at Regional Conference

October 1, 2018 by | News

Second-year War and Society graduate student Gianni Barbera (pictured, far left) recently represented Chapman University at the Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference. The conference was held at the University of Colorado Boulder and brought in top scholars and graduate students from across the nation. Gianni served on a panel titled “Leveraging Identity and Fighting to Belong”

Making Public Art in Augmented Reality Installing Art Above Dodger Stadium

August 20, 2018 by | News

Associate Professor Micol Hebron was recently asked to participate in a pioneering new project titled, “Coordinates”, the brainchild of LA-based artist Nancy Baker Cahill. “Coordinates” is an augmented reality project that places artists’ works in places all over the world. She was among five artists who were selected for the premiere of the project, and

A Conversation on Cronyism in Anaheim

June 26, 2018 by | News

Many Americans across the political spectrum believe the American tradition of free enterprise has been corrupted by bad public policy giving special emoluments to a favored few. This cronyism is too often manifested at the local level, to the economic detriment of our towns and communities. Is cronyism a new phenomena, or is it embedded

2018 Fall Graduate Workshops Make sure to register!

June 20, 2018 by | News

Each semester Wilkinson College offers a variety of workshops for graduate students on topics related to academic, personal, and career development. Graduate Students may register for this 0 credit P/NP class through my.chapman.edu. Course number is GUS 530. Here’s a list of workshops coming up. We hope to see you there! Fall 2018 Graduate Student

2018 Annual Kugelman Arts and Humanities Awards Ceremony

May 8, 2018 by | News

Last week students were honored at the 2018 Annual Kugelman Arts and Humanities Awards Ceremony. Below is a list of the Wilkinson College winners. Congratulations to everyone. Art Department Art History Honors Madeline Anderson, Jessica Bocinski, Brooke Fessler, McKenna Robbie, Manon Wogahn Purcell Award Jessica Bocinski Fine Arts Honors Emma Foss, Haley Hopkins, Gi Ling

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