84 posts categorized in

Interdisciplinary Minors


Intimacy and the Anxieties of Cinematic Flesh: Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis Faculty Books

February 21, 2023 by | News

Dr. Patrick Fuery (Professor and Director of the Center for Creative and Cultural Industries) recently published his 9th book, Intimacy and the Anxieties of Cinematic Flesh: Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis (Bloomsbury, 2023). “This was a book I have wanted to write for some time,” said Dr. Fuery. “All my previous books have looked at different

From Our Eyes Visiting the Chinese American Museum

February 17, 2023 by Bernadine Cortina | News

For me, February 4, 2023 was quite a momentous day! It was my best friend, Winnie’s 21st birthday (she’s Chinese American!) It was civil rights activist Rosa Parks’s birthday, and it was also the day I got to visit the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles with other Wilkinson College students, staff, and faculty. The

A Talk with Lalo Alcaraz: Editorial Cartoonist, Chicano Artist, TV Writer and Producer

December 13, 2022 by Hannah Smith | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences recently welcomed editorial cartoonist, Chicano artist, and TV writer and producer Lalo Alcaraz to speak about his politically themed and nationally syndicated comic strip “ ​​La Cucaracha” as a part of the Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Ethnic Studies series.  Alcaraz’s “La Cucaracha” strip, first

CCI Students and The Dream Machine

December 7, 2022 by Pamela Coelho ’23 | News

An intrepid group of Creative and Cultural Industry (CCI) students in Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, has leaped headfirst into a project that promises to turn heads. Dr. Patrick Fuery’s fall Creative and Cultural Industries in Practice class was tasked with creating none other than The Dream Machine. The Dream Machine is

Irreverent Representations: A Conversation with Ryan RedCorn Native Screenwriter and Filmmaker

November 30, 2022 by Lisa Wong ‘25 | News

In recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Month, Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences recently welcomed Native filmmaker Ryan RedCorn (Osage) to speak about his overall experiences in the industry, working as a screenwriter on FX’s Reservation Dogs, and directing his film “Dead Birds Hearts.” While working on his MFA in screenwriting, RedCorn took electives

Cemetery Boys: A Fantasy Novel Featuring a Young LGBTQ+ Adult Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Ethnic Studies

November 17, 2022 by Hannah Smith | News

The Department of English and Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences welcomed transgender and Latinx author Aiden Thomas to discuss their New York Times Bestseller novel: Cemetery Boys, a fantasy novel featuring a young LGBTQ+ adult. Dr. Renee Hudson (English), recently taught Cemetery Boys in her literature course analyzing the Chicano movement. According

Wilkinson College receives Congressional Recognition

November 10, 2022 by David Krausman | News

On November 2, 2022, Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences was awarded special recognition for the addition of its Asian American Studies minor program, which will officially launch in fall 2023, as well as its Ethnic Studies initiatives driven by Engaging the World 2022: Leading the Conversation on Ethnic Studies (ETW) initiative. Congressman

‘I Will Never Be Able to Forget’: George Takei Shares Internment Experience with Chapman ‘Star Trek’ actor, activist tells his family’s story as part of Wilkinson College series

November 9, 2022 by Joy Juedes | News

Actor, author, activist and social media favorite George Takei brought his powerful story of childhood imprisonment during World War II to Chapman University. Takei – perhaps best known as helmsman Hikaru Sulu of “Star Trek” – recounted “the terror of that morning” his family was forced from their home and taken to prison camps, along

What’s the Difference Between LGBT History Month and Pride Month?

October 26, 2022 by Joy Juedes | News

Pride Month has evolved into a national fixture each June, but October marks a perhaps lesser-known celebration – LGBT History Month. Pride Month has been acknowledged on Chapman University’s campus, so some may wonder if LGBT History Month is also recognized. “There is a compelling argument for why LGBT History Month makes sense to celebrate

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