84 posts categorized in

Interdisciplinary Minors


Angelica Allen Brings a Global Understanding to New Africana Studies Minor Professor envisions a program that captures "blackness in all of its complexity and diversity."

June 19, 2020 by Dennis Arp | News

Where Angelica Allen lived, no one else looked like her. As the daughter of a black U.S. military father and a Filipina mother, Allen spent much of her early childhood feeling the scorn of her classmates and neighbors in her outlying island community. “There was a lot of bullying, and also a lot of assumptions,”

Letter from the Dean of Wilkinson College June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020 by | News

Exhausted, frustrated, heart-broken, angry – these were the feelings expressed by Chapman students, staff, and faculty who have gathered over the past week to collectively grieve the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbrey, and Breonna Taylor. The rise of white supremacy, ongoing police brutality, Covid-19, systemic institutionalized racism, black and brown lives lost – racial injustice

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