350 posts tagged

Art Department


Students spend time at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab

February 8, 2011 by | News

Art majors from Wilkinson College spent time this January (2011) interterm at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Professor Lia Halloran’s Art 329 class spent the month learning about new missions and science projects such as, the new MSL Mars Rover to be launched in 2011, NuSTAR, and SMAP. They met with NASA Historians, Animators, Artist in Resident, Project

Department of Art Dr. Lia Halloran

February 8, 2011 by | Events

Department of Art’s Professor Lia Halloran visited the Guggenheim in Bilbao Spain where her piece “Dark Skate/ Griffith Park” is on display. The piece has been acquired for the Guggenheim’s permanent collection and exhibited in the show “Haunted” through March 2011. Click here for photos.

Visual Arts Speaker Series,Feb. 16, 2011

February 4, 2011 by | News

Kristen Morgin is a sculptor known for her unique interpretations of nostalgic objects made of clay and mixed media. She received her MFA degree from the Alfred University School of Ceramics in New York State and has taught ceramics at Cal State University Long Beach. She has had recent solo shows at the Marc Selwyn

Art Students in Italy for January Class

January 21, 2011 by | News

Liliana Leopardi and Eric Chimenti took their art students on a travel course to Italy called, Rethinking Renaissance Visual Culture. They studied in Florence, Sienna, Venice and Rome. Check out their blog for beautiful photos from all over Italy and read about what they and learned.  

Jason Weems, Visual Arts Speaker, Dec. 8

December 2, 2010 by | Art

Jason Weems is an Assistant Professor in Art History at the University of California Riverside where he specializes in American art, with particular interests in history of visuality in the regional, national, and transcultural contexts. His current book, Barnstorming the Prairies: Aerial Vision and Modernity in Rural American, 1920-1940, traces the impact of aerial view-making

Annual Ceramics Sale, Dec. 6-10

November 23, 2010 by | Art

The Department of Art is hosting its Biannual Ceramics Sale in the Atallah Piazza December 6th-10th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come get some great gifts for this holiday season all made by students in the Ceramics Program at Chapman University. Many students from the Advanced Ceramics class look forward to this event each

Visual Arts Speaker Series, Dec. 1, 2010

November 22, 2010 by | Events

Chapman University Visual Arts Speaker Series Presents, Michelle Dizon and Camilo Ontiveros. Dizon is an artist, filmmaker, and writer. Her work focuses on questions of postcoloniality, globalization, migration, social movements, human rights, and historical memory. Integrating essayistic documentary practices with the projected image installation, Dizon arrives at a form in dialogue with the legacies of

Art Department – Action (un)Packed: Abstraction After Action

November 9, 2010 by | News

Commonspace will be Opening November 13, 2010 with its first exhibit “Action (un)Packed: Abstraction After Action” from 5-7 p.m. This exhibit will  showcase painting practices that aren’t afraid of complexity or abjection, beauty or the ridiculous, but that actively demonstrate a dynamic negotiation between disparate regimes of pictorial signification. The host of this exhibit is Professor Michael

Department of Art Dr. Lia Halloran

November 5, 2010 by | News

COLLIDER exhibition installation plans Folding Unfolding: COLLIDER Collider is the collaborative team of BigPrototype and Chapman’s Professor of Fine Art, Dr. Lia Halloran. Folding Unfolding: Collider, is an interactive exhibition installation, 3D modeling workshop and discussion inspired by the gypsum crystals of the Naica Mine in Mexico. Folding Unfolding discovers the geometry of basic crystal

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