3 posts tagged

Graduate Careers in Focus


¡Salud! Graduate Student Interns with Casa Loy Tequila Distillery Graduate Careers in Focus Graduate Careers in Focus

May 7, 2024 by David Krausman | News

The Voice of Wilkinson had the opportunity to sit down with graduate student Iara Gonzalez-Ascencio (‘24 MA International Studies) to talk about her recent internship with Casa Loy Tequila Distillery in Jalisco, Mexico. In this interview, Gonzalez-Ascencio shares her internship experience and some of her takeaways, demonstrating a key component of the International Studies program–linking

Graduate Careers In Focus: Alumnus Gregory Falcon Applies Historian Training at Plethora Businesses

March 18, 2022 by | News

Gregory Falcon’s historical training is serving him well in his role as a research analyst at Plethora Businesses, an investment banking firm in Orange, C.A., where he is responsible for analyzing economic trends across various industry sectors. Making use of his manuscript research skills, he assembles reports, lists, and other various writings to help business

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