32 posts tagged



Career Corner Wilkinson Alumni Combines Degree and Passion to Make His Dream into a Career

December 17, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

I recently came across an article, The Greatest Collection, highlighting Wilkinson College alumnus Jeffrey Griffith (’11, BA History, BS Business Administration) and I became instantly intrigued by his story. I wanted to know more about how his college degree, along with his hobby as a hockey card enthusiast, led him to be the successful author

Scholars of the 1918 Influenza Outbreak See Parallels With the COVID-19 Pandemic But they caution against the presumption that nothing will ever be the same.

August 26, 2020 by | News

Remember the inspiring stories of the great flu pandemic of 1918? Communities rallied around the cause of public health. Self-sacrifice was the order of the day. Across the United States, the citizenry gladly wore masks and observed quarantine measures. Check those thoughts, says historian Jennifer D. Keene, dean of Chapman University’s Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities,

Get to Know Wilkinson’s Newest Faculty

August 17, 2020 by | News

Wilkinson College was looking for a way to connect with our new faculty via physical distancing. The Voice of Wilkinson reached out to the newest members of our community and asked them a few questions. We wanted to find out why they chose Wilkinson and what it meant to be a part of the heart

What Makes Wilkinson So Special? Through the Eyes of a Student

November 6, 2019 by Philip Goodrich | News

By Philip Goodrich (’22) History and Integrated Educational Studies and a minor in Political Science When searching for my dream school, I was looking for a tight-knit community, small class sizes, endless opportunities, and a strong support system focused on student success. I can confidently say I found this with Chapman University. While I have

A Conversation About the Human Costs of War The Psychological and Emotional Impact of Going to War and Coming Home

October 30, 2019 by Sarah Markowitz | News

A veteran, a historian, and a therapist visited Chapman’s campus…and engaged in an enlightening, pertinent, and productive conversation about the human costs of war. Moderated by Dr. Gregory Daddis, the director of Chapman’s MA in War and Society program, Afghanistan War veteran Josue Barron, Dr. David Kieran, and Dr. Naveen Jonathan discussed the psychological and

2019 Annual Henley Social Sciences Awards Ceremony

May 10, 2019 by | News

Earlier this week students were honored at the 2019 Annual Henley Social Sciences Awards Ceremony. Below is a list of the Wilkinson College winners. Congratulations to everyone! (Click here to see some pictures) History Departmental Honors Griffee Albaugh Jake Naturman John Giammona Wilber History Outstanding Student Award Griffee Albaugh Lee Estes Best Conference Paper Award

2018 Annual Ludie and David C. Henley Social Sciences Awards Ceremony

May 8, 2018 by | News

Last week Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences hosted the 2018 Annual Henley Awards. Here is a list of all the award winners. Congratulations to them all. History Department Departmental Honors Natalie Figueroa, Paige Gulley, Lara Jacobson, Bridget McConaughy History Outstanding Student Award Paige Gulley Lee Estes Best Conference Paper Award Lara Jacobson

America’s War For The Greater Middle East Guest Speaker Andrew Bacevich

March 11, 2016 by | News

Chapman is proud to present, special guest speaker (and author), Andrew Bacevich, on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8 p.m. in the Lyon Conference Center, Argyros Forum 209, in a lecture titled, America’s War For The Greater Middle East. Professor Bacevich is an American historian specializing in international relations, security studies, American foreign policy, and

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