46 posts tagged

peace studies


Students Present their Work at Kroc Institute

April 12, 2013 by | POSC

Wilkinson College Peace Study and Political Science students (Megan McKeown, Peace Study; Rebecca Herrera, Peace Study and Political Science; and Diego Romero, Political Science and Economics) presented their work at the University of Notre Dame at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. The University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Former Civil Rights Activist to Speak at Chapman

October 17, 2012 by | POSC

Please join Wilkinson College and the Peace Studies Program for a ve ry special event featuring Reverend James Lawson, a former civil rights activist,  in his lecture, November 6th and Beyond – The Politics of Nonviolent Action on October 23, 2012 at 4 p.m. in the Wallace All Faiths Chapel. Reverend Lawson is a

Wilkinson College at the Staff Summit 2012 – Resource Fair

June 14, 2012 by | Events

Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences was excited at the opportunity to showcase all Wilkinson departments and programs, and the faculty within those departments and programs, at the Staff Summit Resource Fair on Thursday, June 14 in Beckman Hall. Wilkinson displayed faculty published books, student and faculty research projects, ancient artifacts, Wilkinson Review (past

Students Presented Their Research at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences

June 4, 2012 by | POSC

Chapman students Olivia Snow (senior majoring in political science and peace studies) and Kathleen Doll (sophomore majoring in political science and psychology) presented their research at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences. Olivia’s paper was entitled, “The Role of Religiosity in the Formation of Foreign Policy Attitudes.” Kathleen presented, “Egalitarianism and Support for Female

Wilkinson Students Represent ChapmanU at Conference

February 28, 2012 by | POSC

The Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences congratulates two of our students who will be presenting at a conference. Senior Political Science major,Sociology minor, Philip Quigley, and sophomore Peace Studies and Sociology double major, Ashley Lovell, will be attending the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies’ 2012 Student Peace Conference, which is being hosted

Healing South Sudan, lecture by Thomas Burke, Sept. 14

August 11, 2011 by | News

Imagine this scenario: as a new medical student you attend a school with no classrooms, no teaching materials, a library of six books and one part-time instructor. Three years ago, this was the situation for 200 students at the University of Juba’s College of Medicine, the only medical school in Southern Sudan. The students themselves

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