74 posts tagged

Political Science


Students Present their Work at Kroc Institute

April 12, 2013 by | POSC

Wilkinson College Peace Study and Political Science students (Megan McKeown, Peace Study; Rebecca Herrera, Peace Study and Political Science; and Diego Romero, Political Science and Economics) presented their work at the University of Notre Dame at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. The University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Does the White House have too much power? Dr. Cox Han explains

April 4, 2013 by | POSC

Political Science Professor Lori Cox Han recently had an article published in Zocalo Public Square answering the question Whether the White House Has Too Much Power—Or Too Little … read what she had to say! A little about Dr. Cox Han -  Her most recent books include Presidents and the American Presidency (Oxford, 2013),

The 2012 Presidential Election: Did the campaigns really matter?

February 7, 2013 by | Events

The Alpha Beta Chi Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha , the National Political Science Honor Society, is inviting nationally known professor, Dr. Lynn Vavreck, who will lecture on political campaigns, elections, as well as provide a critical analysis of the 2012 Presidential Election. Dr. Vavreck will present the Annual Pi Sigma Alpha Lecture:  “The 2012 Presidential Election:

Professor Han author of new book

January 8, 2013 by | POSC

Lori Cox Han, Professor of Political Science , is the author of a new textbook on the American presidency. “Presidents and the American Presidency,” co-authored by Diane J. Heith of St. John’s University and published by Oxford University Press, provides an exploration of both the political institution and the men who have held the office.

Pi Sigma Alpha Receives Activity Grant for 2013

December 3, 2012 by | POSC

The Alpha Beta Chi chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha at Chapman University has been selected to receive a 2012 Chapter Activity Grant and we would like to give a big shout out and congratulations to them! This grant will fund a campus-wide lecture in February 2013 by Dr. Lynn Vavreck of UCLA (a nationally-recognized expert

Tansu Phillips, a freshman political science major, was elected …

November 29, 2012 by | News

Chapman’s student body elected five students to Student Government Association (SGA) senate and the winners will be initiated into senate in the spring. The Arg yros School of Business and Economics saw a voter turnout of around 8 percent of the student body. Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences saw a turnout of

Political Science Majors Present at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research

November 19, 2012 by | POSC

Political Science majors Julia Smith and Matt Lyons presented their research at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), held this past weekend at CSU Channel Islands. Both students presented research undertaken in their methods course, POSC 201.  Julia, a sophomore said, “The SCCUR was a great and valuable experience. I learned so much

The People’s Crisis Documentary Screening

November 15, 2012 by | History

On Tu esday, November 20 at 7 P.M. in Argyros Forum 119 A, the Korean Student Association will host Liberty in No rth Korea Foundation for a screening of their new documentary “The People’s Crisis”. The documentary film will be a various mix of interviews with escaped North Korean refugees and Political Science experts weighing

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