The Home Page has several different modules.  A module is a section, block or area on a page; an example of modules is My Announcements or What’s New.

Instructors’ Homepage View

  • My Announcements module shows current Announcements for the Course
  • My Tasks module displays personal tasks you have created (this module is personalized and tasks are not visible to students)
  • What’s New module lists new content inside the course such as, assignments, tests, newly graded items, and unread discussion messages.
  • Needs Attention module displays notifications about items which need your attention in the courses, for instructors (this module will be empty for students)
  • To Do module is populated from the Due Date (from Grade Center or content) and lists all items with a due date inside the course (this module will be empty for instructors)
  • Alerts module will display notifications if a student(s) has overdue assignments, retention center alerts (if setup), for instructors (this module will be empty for students)

Student’s Homepage View

  • My Announcements module shows current Announcements for the course
  • My Tasks module displays personal tasks created by you (this module is personalized and tasks are not visible to the instructors)
  • What’s New module lists new content inside the course such as, assignments, tests, newly graded items, and unread discussion messages.
  • Needs Attention module displays notifications about items which needs the instructor’s attention (this module will be empty for students)
  • To Do module lists all items with a due date inside the course, (this module will be empty for instructors)
  • Alerts module will display notifications if a student(s) has overdue assignments (this module will be empty for students)