21 posts categorized in



Senior Spotlight: Aylo Corshen ’24 "Get involved in your interests immediately. If something doesn't exist, be a leader and create it. Push past your comfort zone and seize every opportunity for growth".

May 16, 2024 by | Seniors

Among the exceptional students at Chapman University, Aylo Corshen, a business major with a passion for entrepreneurship and a keen interest in data analytics, has made his mark. Aylo’s journey at Chapman is a testament to the power of initiative and community building. He reflects fondly on the inception of the Chapman Entrepreneurship Organization (CEO

Senior Spotlight: Audrey Jones ’24 "I would tell my freshman self to take advantage of everything Chapman has to offer. Go to the career fairs and business events, and get to know your professors. The people in Argyros are very well connected and love to help anyone that needs it".

May 14, 2024 by | Seniors

Audrey Jones, majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Analytics, will be ready to turn the tassel this Spring. Among her various experiences, Audrey identifies her involvement in Greek Life as the most impactful. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, Audrey found solace and friendship within Kappa Kappa Gamma.

Senior Spotlight: Rashel Likoskendaj ’24 "I think there is a great disconnect between high school and college. I think as a first-year, I felt that disconnect. I would say to take more chances and not be afraid to make mistakes! Making mistakes is part of the course."

May 14, 2024 by | Seniors

As the spring semester unfolds its final days, Chapman University prepares to bid farewell to another cohort of graduates, among them, Rashel Likoskendaj. Stepping onto campus as a freshman, Rashel embarked on a journey of self-discovery and academic excellence with a double major in Business Administration and Economics with a minor in Computer Science. Rashel’s

Senior Spotlight: Luke Owens ’24 "If I could impart three pieces of advice to my freshman self, they would be: embrace challenges wholeheartedly, don't get bogged down by the minor setbacks, and always be open to exploring new opportunities".

May 9, 2024 by | Seniors

Luke Owens is a remarkable student in the Business Administration program with an emphasis on Finance and a minor in Modern History, who will be turning the tassel this spring. With a blend of academic prowess, extracurricular involvement, and a passion for personal growth, Luke’s journey embodies the essence of the Chapman experience. Luke cherishes

Senior Spotlight: Ariana Keshtgar ’24 "Don’t be afraid to get involved and put yourself out there! Being involved at Chapman is honestly the norm; it’s hard to find someone here who ISN’T involved..."

May 7, 2024 by | Seniors

Chapman University is not just a place for academic pursuits; it’s a vibrant community where students carve their paths, make lasting memories, and fostering meaningful connections. In this blog post, we explore the Chapman University journey through the lens of Ariana Keshtgar, an Economics major with a love for interdisciplinary learning, uncovering the transformative aspects

Senior Spotlight: Rebecca Gann ’24 "I encourage you to embrace openness like never before. Each person here brings their own distinct qualities to our community, and by engaging widely—from your peers to your professors—you'll greatly enrich your college experience."

May 1, 2024 by | Seniors

As Rebecca Gann reflects on her time at Chapman University, she acknowledges her experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. From studying abroad in Florence and London to founding the Women in Finance Club, her journey has been defined by growth, exploration, and a deep sense of community. She will be graduating this spring with

Senior Spotlight: Dylan Holt ’23, MSRE ’24 "Enjoy the high and the low times because it goes by so much faster than you can even imagine."

May 1, 2024 by | Seniors

Dylan Holt, a dedicated Panther pursuing a Master of Science in Real Estate alongside dual majors in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance and Economics, is set to graduate from Chapman University this spring. His time at Chapman has been a blend of victories and challenges, offering a glimpse into the transformative experience the

Senior Spotlight: Bradley Parsons ’23, MBA ’24 "Some of the best memories come from taking risks and saying yes to new opportunities."

April 30, 2024 by | Seniors

Amidst the whirlwind of academia and extracurriculars, students find that they can discover a home away from home on Chapman’s vibrant campus. Bradley Parsons, a soon-to-be Chapman University double-alum, reflects on his journey through undergrad and graduate school, highlighting his most meaningful experiences and offering advice to incoming students. Impactful Experiences & People Bradley’s campus

Senior Spotlight: Moises Brito ’24 "My most impactful experience at Chapman was being a part of the Track and Field Team. The program quickly turned around, and we became one of the best teams in the conference, and we are only growing. From going to track meets with my teammates and hanging out with them afterward, I adore and love all my teammates, and they have made my four years at Chapman."

April 29, 2024 by | Seniors

Moises Brito, a Double Major in Accounting and Business Administration at Chapman University, will be graduating this spring of 2024. For Moises, the Track and Field experience shaped his college years and instilled a sense of camaraderie and belonging. He reminisces, saying, “My most impactful experience at Chapman was being a part of the Track

Senior Spotlight: Nella Khachian ’24 "Having a wishbone is having all your desires, dream, goals, and those are what will allow you to explore and find passions. You need a backbone to push you through the not-so-great times even when it seems like nothing is working out your way or how you planned. And a funny bone, college is such an incredible time with so many moments that you will look back and laugh about."

April 25, 2024 by | Seniors

Meet Nella Khachian, the vibrant force on Chapman University’s campus. Majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and minoring in Data Analytics, Nella’s journey through Chapman has been nothing short of exhilarating. Reflecting on her time at the Leatherby Center of Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics, she shares, “My position there as a Marketing

Senior Spotlight: Faryal Ahsan ’24 "My main goals in college were to develop professionally and intellectually. I can confidently say that I was able to accomplish both goals during my time here at Chapman."

April 22, 2024 by | Seniors

Faryal Ahsan, a diligent and ambitious senior double majoring in Business Administration and Economics with an emphasis in Finance, is set to graduate this spring of 2024. Beyond the classrooms and textbooks, Faryal’s experience is shaped by the people she met, the challenges she embraced, and the memories she cherished. She remarks, “Meeting wonderful people

Senior Spotlight: Pamela Coelho ’23

May 11, 2023 by | Students

Meet Pamela Coelho, a part of the Argyros School’s Class of 2023! Pamela is graduating with her degree in Business Administration (Marketing emphasis) and a double-minor in Advertising and CCI. Pamela came in to Chapman with the goal of being as open-minded and involved as possible. She was very involved in high school, playing three

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