What did
 do this summer? Well, while you were away, Chapman University launched a new college! The
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
was established June 1, and is home to the following programs:

At the Orange Campus

Crean Hall at Chapman's campus in Orange, Ca

Crean Hall at Chapman’s campus in Orange, Ca

“Our undergraduate programs will carry on the tradition of educating extremely motivated and high-quality students with hands-on learning opportunities,” explained 
Dr. Janeen Hill
, founding dean of Crean College.

Exterior photo of the Rinker campus

Entrance to the Rinker Health Science Campus in Irvine, CA

At the new Rinker Health Science Campus in Irvine

The physical therapy graduate programs of Crean College share the impressive 
Rinker Health Science Campus
with the university’s School of Pharmacy, whose first cohort of MS Pharmacy students started this week.

“The buildings that comprise the Rinker Health Science Campus have been completely redesigned to embody the four pillars of Chapman’s health science education: inter-professional education, technological sophistication, evidence-based practice and a team-based approach to healthcare,” Hill said. She also emphasized that, “the campus is dedicated to the university’s growing graduate health science programs”.

The Four Pillars of Rinker Health Science Campus

Stay tuned for details about our fall open house at the Rinker Health Science Campus. In the meantime, here’s a preview of the facility:

  1. Inter-professional education: Instructional spaces are shared by all programs and faculty offices are not separated by discipline, but mixed to encourage interaction and knowledge exchange.
  2. Technology: The tiered lecture hall has a 3D projector to allow visualizing molecular models and neuro-imaging. Diagnosis Rooms are enabled with iPads and Wi-Fi connectivity.
  3. Evidence-based practice: Students have easy access to the coming Rinker Health Science Campus library to retrieve the most current information and research on healthcare practice.
  4. Team-based approach to care: Healthcare is moving to team-based approaches to patient care, and so it our education model. Students at the Rinker Health Science Campus will learn to work in a team of professionals from different areas to improve patient outcomes.

If you would like to take a tour of the campus, please call (714) 744-7650 to make an appointment with a program representative.

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