Student boards at Research Day

Wednesday, December 10
2014 marked a day of opportunity and advancement at
Chapman University’s

Student Research Day
. Students of
Crean College
showcased 10 studies and months of research, displaying their collaboration with renowned faculty and fellow students.

Studies of sleep deprivation, maternal behaviors, distracted driving, and the risks associated with alcoholism were among the topics of the research presented. Each poster presented a hypothesis, a process, and findings that the students and faculty proudly shared with their fellow colleagues and guests. Faculty faithfully guided their students diligently, providing them platforms to succeed and produce quality research furthering the advancement of health in society.

Students present their research at Student Research DaySeveral student presentations came from the labs of Dr. Steven Schandler, senior Professor of Psychology and Director of the Cognitive Psychophysiology and Addiction Research Laboratories at Chapman University. Here, he supervised many projects having to deal with persons at risk of alcoholism. Under Dr. Schandler’s guidance, students Brooke Snelgrove, Lilian Andrade, Taylor Stephens, and Reyn Yoshiura stood by their poster and shared their study, “Adjusting Learning Parameters to Increase Cognitive Resource Allocation in Persons wStudent with her board at Research Dayith Alcoholism Risk.” Their counterpart, student Jacklyn Cutler studied a similar subject, adding a different twist to the research conducted with Dr. Steven Schandler.


A preliminary
of distracted driving was presented by student researchers Sarina Karwande, Ashley Nieto, and Lauren Rhodes. According to the
, distracted driving is the number one killer of individuals ages 15-24 in automobile related deaths. With more than 9 people killed each day and more than 1,153 people injured. Under the guidance of
Dr. Roberta G. Lessor
, professor of Sociology, the presenters studied college student perceptions on distracted driving. The students presented research data of the number of students who admit to texting and driving at the same time, which includes all three types of distractions: visual, manual, and cognitive.

Student boards at Research Day

These studies alongside many other of Crean College’s brightest filled the air with knowledge and excitement. Many of the presentations will include further research in the future, as Crean College will continue its traditions of research advancement and excellence.