On May 10, 2019 faculty from across campus gathered in BK 404 for Chapman’s annual Faculty Honors Convocation. Hosted by the Office of the Provost, this event recognizes faculty for excellence in teaching, service, research, and promotions. Not surprisingly, Crean College faculty took home a large number of awards. Topping our list is Assistant Professor of Psychology, Dr. Jessica Walker who was one of three faculty members to take home the prestigious Valerie Scudder award. This is the second consecutive year that one of the Scudder awards has gone to a Crean College faculty member. Last years recipient was Dr. Marybeth Grant-Beuttler.

The Barbara Mulch Excellence in Academic Service Award is given annually to a staff person who has demonstrated outstanding and selfless service to an academic unit and across the university. It is the only award given to staff members at this event. Just getting a nomination is a huge honor. We are so pleased to report that Anne Lowe, Senior Administrative Assistant (Physical Therapy), was one of four nominees.

Other awards received by CHBS faculty were:

Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor:

Dr. Naveen Jonathan, Marriage and Family Therapy

Mentorship of Research and Creativity Award:

Dr. Dave Frederick, Psychology

Faculty Opportunity Fund Awards:

Dr. Amy Moors, Psychology

Dr. Vinnie Berardi, Psychology

Dr. Niklas Ignasiak, Physical Therapy

Pedagogical Innovation Award:

Dr. Caroline Wilson, Health Sciences

Unit Faculty Excellence Awards:

Dr. Nicole Marquez, Physical Therapy

Dr. Jessica Walker, Psychology

Fall 2019 Sabbatical:

Dr. Michelle Cleary Health Sciences and Physician Assistant

Dr. Dave Pincus, Psychology

20 years Service Award:

Dr. David Pincus, Psychology

25 years Service Award:

Dr. Ken Sumida, Health Sciences

Congratulations to all the 2019 awardees!