Graduate Student Hansjeet Duggal Uses VR/AR to Preserve History

February 14, 2018 by Dodge College Staff | Academics

Hansjeet Duggal (MFA.FP) left emphatic mark in Brussels, Belgium this past winter. His VR project Freiheit was selected as one of ten participants out of over 100 shortlisted contenders across the world at Stereopsia an international forum dedicated to all artistic, technological, content, and business facets of 3D immersion. Freiheit, which literally means freedom in German, is a thematic journey


Film Festival Kudos

February 13, 2018 by | Kudos!

Every so often, we like to roundup the festival achievements of our students and recent graduates. Dodge students have been overflowing with great news from film festivals and competitions as of late which we couldn’t be happier about:   Hadley Hillel’s Ernie, has been nominated at the Watersprite Awards in Cambridge UK for Best Fiction Film,


Available Now - The Science of Screenwriting

February 12, 2018 by | Faculty Spotlight

Professors Paul Gulino and Dr. Connie Shears have published a new book, The Science of Screenwriting – The Neuroscience Behind Story Telling Strategies. This book will help Dodge College students and those interested in screenwriting “navigate the mass of often contradictory advice” given about screenwriting. Purchase The Science of Screenwriting. Amazon Reviews The Science of Screenwriting explores the workings of


VR Visionaries to Lead Lecture

February 9, 2018 by | Events

Join industry leaders Larry Cutler and Kane Lee, Baobab Studios, in an evening dedicated to virtual reality. Thursday, February 15 at 7 p.m. in the Cloobeck Screening Room, Digital Media Arts Center.  Seating for this event is first come, first serve, please plan accordingly. Cutler and Lee are dedicated craftsmen who see the power of marrying


First Major Feature Wins at Slamdance

February 9, 2018 by | Alumni

Two years ago alum Trevor Stevens (BFA.FP ’15) and team set out to make their first feature film, one that suited their off the wall sensibility while also poking fun at popular film tropes. Rock Steady Row was that film and had its world premiere at this year’s Slamdance Film Festival. “We didn’t make this


LunaFest at Dodge College

February 8, 2018 by | Events

There is a variety of ways to get the necessary cash together to make a film. One of the most fulfilling ways comes from finding support from others in the community. Community support for a film is powerful and can establish a career. At this year’s Lunafest which took place February 3rd, hosted by Zonta


11 Easy Tips for Getting Into a Film Festival

February 5, 2018 by | Beyond Dodge

2018 has seen great success by Dodge College alum. For graduating students with thesis films premiering this May who are interested in entering film festivals, here are tips to join the ranks of successful projects: Keep it short – Think: the longer it is the better it has to be. Also, a shorter film will have


Career Corner – Announcements and Postings for the Week of February 5

February 5, 2018 by | Career Resources

Below are career-related opportunities for the week of February 5th, courtesy of our friends in the Career and Professional Development Department! Events/Reminders NBCUniversal Panel Discussion Wednesday, February 14 | 2:30 – 3:45 | BK404 This Valentine’s Day fall in LOVE with NBCUniversal! The entertainment giant will be on-campus discussing their respected internship program, Campus 2


Immerse yourself in the future with our new Minor In VR and AR

February 1, 2018 by Dodge College Staff | Academics

As the media continues to buzz about the commercial and artistic opportunities made possible by new virtual and augmented reality technologies, students are looking for ways to get a head start in this emerging field. By adding a minor in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) available in fall 2018, students can explore


Dodge to London to Paris; Back Again

January 31, 2018 by | Travel Courses

“What did you do over the break?” “Nothing, you?” “I saw the actual sets of the Harry Potter movies, touched 100-year-old costumes, and ate escargot.” Over Winter Break a group of students took part in the expansive Film Capitals of the World: London and Paris lead by Professor David Kost. This course offered students the

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