71 posts categorized in

Student Voices


People Don’t Like Smart

October 25, 2012 by | Student Voices

What is wrong with our society!? In a nation that talks the talk of high achievement and education for all students, why is there so much pressure placed on “normal?” Think about any young student starting school. How quickly do they learn to feel shame for non-English ways? How readily to they perceive that “pink

Teacher Evaluation- AB5 dies

September 17, 2012 by | Student Voices

On August 30, 2012, a two-year effort to restructure teacher performance evaluation fell silent.  Assembly Bill 5 called for the use of student test scores to be considered when rating teacher effectiveness.  This is not a new concept and it is sure to be resurrected, as the author of the bill urges a future review

Marisol Rexach on Books for Teachers

September 10, 2012 by | Student Voices

On my bookshelf and desk sit a large variety of books related to the teaching profession. Recently, I rummaged through the titles to prepare for the new school year. It is an interesting time because I have the privilege of working with teachers across the continuum: soon-to-be teachers who are at the Praxis stage spending

Sandra Koen on her Semester Abroad in Spain

July 5, 2012 by | Student News

Post from Sandra Koen about her experience studying abroad in Spain in the spring semester of 2012 with another Athletic Training Student, Naomi Singleton.  While studying abroad last spring in Granada, Spain, I got to explore the other side of the world, their cultures and ways of living. I discovered that the Spanish style of living revolves

Doctoral Student, Janae Dimick on presenting at the International Diversity Association Annual Conference

June 20, 2012 by | News

Although I have had the opportunity to present at regional and national conferences before, participating in the International Diversity Association annual conference was my first experience sharing my research with an international audience. I’ll admit, I was nervous. However, the audience members who attended my presentation were enthusiastic in their response to my work, and

Student Voice–Denise Reid, Doctoral Student

May 4, 2012 by | Student Voices

My name is Denise Reid. I am ending my first year as a doctoral student in Education with a Disability Studies emphasis. My entire experience as a doctoral student at Chapman University, from the information session to completing course assignments, has been wonderful. I considered three other programs when I started my doctoral search. After

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