On December 21, Chapman’s lecture capture system, Panopto, is scheduled to begin migrating content from the old folders to ones that work better with Canvas and Zoom. From late in the spring 2020 semester, Zoom Cloud recordings have been copied over to Panopto automatically and you should find them in your private My Folder > Meeting Recordings folder. For some faculty members this was not happening, so this folder migration should correct this issue.

Class recordings will remain available on Panopto even after the new Zoom recording 120-day retention policy takes place on January 1, 2020.

This change is scheduled to start at 8:00 pm EST (5:00 pm PST) on Dec. 21st and is anticipated to last about 9 hours.


In order to access your current content in Panopto, users need to log into Panopto through the Canvas LMS. Users logging directly into Panopto will not be able to view their content at this time.