91 posts categorized in



Software and Device Purchasing Guidelines Things to know before buying software or a new device on a PCard

March 10, 2022 by | Technology

Chapman University has specific guidelines for purchasing hardware and software that all staff members and faculty members must follow. These guidelines are in place to protect both the university and the individuals purchasing the products. Below are some quick tips on best practices for faculty and staff considering purchasing any new hardware or software: Important

Creating Accessible Documents for All! March 2022 | New Technologies

March 7, 2022 by | Technology

Campus Community, Having accessible design benefits everyone. It also saves time and effort and can also reduce institutional risk. Moreover, providing an accessible environment for everyone is a vital part of making society more inclusive. It allows people with limited mobility to participate in the community. Finally, having an accessible design will enable people with

Grammarly Premium, Your Awesome Writing Partner February 2022 | New Technologies

February 14, 2022 by | Technology

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing software that helps folks write more effectively. It helps write more clearly, automatically detects grammatical errors, and offers writing suggestions to its users. Aside from improving your writing, Grammarly also enables you to make the most of the reader’s time by delivering the most accurate and understandable messages.  Grammarly is

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