On October 25th, 2016 the Leatherby Libraries hosted a very special event with Sangdeaun Lek Chailert, founder of Save Elephant Foundation. Held in the Center for American War Letters Archives, the esteemed Chailert gave a stirring presentation on the plight of the Asian elephant and her very own Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. Showing pictures and a powerful video, she also discussed the connection of elephants to other animals in the entertainment and tourism industries as well as introduced guests to the elephants she has rescued. After the presentation, audience members were able to meet Chailert and enjoy refreshments. Information about her foundation and their efforts was also distributed with special gifts given to attendees. The Leatherby Libraries was proud to host this event and help in spreading the word on such an important cause. As Chailert said during her presentation, “One of the easiest things we can do to save these beautiful animals is simply share and inform on social media.” Head to her website to learn more about this important foundation and what you can do to help.

Elephant on the Edge