Richard Turner, professor, Department of Art, Wilkinson College, recently completed work on a new public artwork for Market Square Park in Houston, Texas. The piece is a walkway inset with fragments of masonry from local buildings. Professor Turner was a member of the original artist team that designed the park in 1992. Changing demographics of the local area required new design programmed for more intense usage. His new work salvages material from the previous park walkways, which used material originally salvaged from historic buildings in downtown Houston. Professor Turner is currently working on a sculpture for the City of Long Beach Transit Authority.

Claudine Jaenichen, assistant professor, Department of Art, Wilkinson College, has five undergraduate students from her Information Design course who will be published in a special issue of the Information Design Journal covering topics in Healthcare. IDJ is a peer-reviewed international journal and an authoritative publication in the discipline of information design. Keely Misenhimer, Brooke Brisbois, Laura Croswaite, Kailah Ogawa, and Chase Conching completed a 4-week benchmark and completed redesigned prototypes for over-the-counter medicine packaging. The objective was to test the performance of existing packaging and address issues in both written and visual language to better articulate the usability and accessibility of information and communication.

Jamie Kough, adjunct faculty, Department of Art, Wilkinson College, worked this spring and summer as a set designer and prop person for the soon-to-be- released film Not Today, which is about a California college student’s adventures in Hyderabad, India