Chapman University Visual Arts Speaker Series Presents Ron Leland, Graphic Designer on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in Moulton Hall, Room 213 at  7 p.m.
As a Brand Architect, Ron Leland worked with clients to extract their true brand essence, and then define a clear message that engages their customers. He directed his team in developing Big Picture concepts that become design and communication tools. Once he launched these print, packaging, event or web-based tools, he ultimately elevated his client’s brand equity. He studied and practiced architecture, which has given him a unique perspective on how to build a brand. To him, understanding building materials, knowing how far to push creative nuances, and ensuring that the final product can be realized are valuable skills that translate directly into his personal approach to his clients’ projects. In his view, Brand Architecture involves an intentional approach to problem-solving. Compared to a conventional “designer” approach, architecture is a more precise way to build a brand. His clients prefer this approach, and his dialogue throughout the collaborative process ensures that they are pleased with the results he achieves.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 714.997.6729.
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