Author/Professor Alicia Kozameh has been invited to the Belles Latinas Festival, a yearly event that takes place simultaneously in different cities in France during the month of November, for Latin American authors translated into French. She will be presenting her poetry book Mano en vuelo (Hand in Flight), in French Main in vol, written during the beginning of the war in Iraq, and her story “Bosquejo de alturas” (Impression of Heights), in French Esquisse des hauteurs, an account of the time she spent imprisoned with other women in the basement of the headquarters of the Police Station in Rosario, Argentina, as a political prisoner during the last dictatorship.

Both books were translated by Anne-Claire Huby and published by L’atelier du tilde, Lyon, France.

She will be doing presentations at the Université Lumiére, Bron, Université de Poitiers, Archivos Poitiers, L’AmphiOpéra de Lyon and the Médiathèque Municipale, Valence. Alicia will end her tour with a reading and lecture at the University of Milano, Italy.