English Professor Alicia Kozameh will participate in this year’s Las Americas Letters Series in Literature and the Arts, a yearly event sponsored by St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 11-13, 2012.

Professor Gwendolyn Díaz, creator and director of the Series, describes it this way: “Las Americas Letters is a celebration of the literature and art of the Americas. Its mission is to encourage empowerment through creativity and cultural understanding by bridging the Americas through the work of authors, artists, painters, musicians, scholars and educators.”

Alicia Kozameh will be the featured author during the three days of the event, which will include activities such as readings from her novels Steps Under Water and Ostrich Legs, followed by receptions, book signings, and two panels about her works: “Living on the Edge, the World of Kozameh” and “Alicia Kozameh’s Aesthetic of Commitment”. She will also lead a Creative Writing Workshop on the topic of Literature and Human Rights.

Poet Carmen Tafolla and novelist Paula Varsavsky will also participate with readings and workshops.