Wilkinson student Marvin Garbeh Davis comes to Chapman from a small village called Zwedru in Liberia.  Davis is a first yea
Two people about to hug.
r student in the
Master of International Studies (MAIS)
program and was recently interviewed (alon

g with his patron, Lynn Bain, or as he refers to her, ‘Mum’)  by
Times-Standard Newspaper
(located in Northern California).

Here is a excerpt from the article …

“Coming to America from Liberia is a big thing. The people there look at it as utopia. They think of it as a land of opportunity, like a dream land. They think when you come here, all your suffering is over, like you’re going to heaven now,” he said. “My first impression of America was that everything here just happens so fast. There is no connection, no relationship. Back home things move much more slowly and there is more conversation. …”

Read more in the
Times-Standard article
written by reporter Clay McGlaughlin.