Foreign correspondents have a reputation for leading a life of adventure, travel, intrigue and even danger, and no one fits that image better than journalist and Chapman Univer
Group of people interviewing Richard Nixon.
sity Trustee David C. Henley. Henley roamed the world for nearly 60 years, covering revolutions, unrest and international hot spots in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Eastern and Western Europe and Latin America.

Now Henley has released a book chronicling his journalistic exploits. 
From Moscow to Beirut: The Adventures of a Foreign Correspondent
, just published by Chapman University Press, has already been praised by Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist
David Hume Kennerly
as a “
Raiders of the Lost Ark
class of adventure story,” while another Pulitzer winner, Fred Kinne, former editor of the
San Diego Union-Tribune
, calls it “a vivid and entertaining odyssey of high adventure.”  Joe Saltzman, winner of four Emmys in broadcast journalism, former CBS News producer and current professor in USC’s School of Communications and Journalism, says Henley’s book is “captivating…filled with incredible tales that jump off the page.”

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