Man smiling.
Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences
and the
Peace Studies Program
invite you to a lecture with
Paul Arthur
, “‘The Mystic Chords of Memory’ – Moving Beyond Conflict” on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 4 p.m. in Argyros Forum, Room 201.

Paul Arthur is a scholar of peace and conflict issues. He was active in the Northern Ireland peace process as a facilitator who brought many of the adversaries together to imagine what peace would look like. He has carried on this work in other conflict zones such as Israel/Palestine, Guatemala, Colombia, Sri Lanka and Nepal. He has lectured extensively in Europe and the United States and has held positions in Stanford, University of San Diego, the US Institute of Peace (USIP) and at the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome. He has been a consultant to the United Nations Research Institute in Social Development (UNRISD), the United Kingdom Parliament and the World Bank. He has published extensively in academic journals and his books include
Special Relationships

This event is free and open to the public. Please join us! Beverages will be served.

For additional information, please contact
Mary Shockey
at (714) 516-7150.