Flyer for Women, Age & "Relevance" in University Teaching
Chapman University Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
presents – Women, Age & “Relevance” in University Teaching with author
Gail Minogue
on Friday, May 8, 2015 in Beckman 106, 1-2:15 p.m.

Come hear important ideas about taking more and better risks in the classroom and in your scholarship, refreshing your intellectual passion, and investing in the importance of women in higher education.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, May 5 to

About the speaker:

Gail Minogue assists individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamics of change and become master builders of their futures, relationships, and successes. She provides clients with remarkable insights through a unique combination of trends analysis and forecasting, ancient & contemporary cyclical data, Pythagorean numerology, plus the wisdom gained from over 30 years in the business markets and the intensive study and use of intuitive spiritual systems.