Flyer for Heart Mountain
The Legacy of Heart Mountain
, a documentary film, will be screening on Thursday, October 1, 2015, 7-9 p.m. in Memorial Hall, Chapman Auditorium.  Please join us for this special showcase and panel discussion.

This award-winning documentary is about Japanese American Internment during WWII. It has won three Emmy Awards, a RTDNA Edward R. Murrow Award, a RTDNA Unity Award and an AAJA-Television Award.

The Panelist include:

  • Marilyn J. Harran, Professor, Director, The Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education, Stern Chair in Holocaust Education
  • Stephanie M. Takaragawa, Assistant Professor of Sociology
  • David Ono, Film Producer
  • Jeff MacIntyre, Film Producer
  • Toshi Ito, Chapman University Alumna

This event is free and open to the public,
check here for more information.