Wilkinson Student Advisory Council: 2022-2023 Events & Contests
October 18, 2022
The Wilkinson Student Advisory and Leadership Council is hosting two big events this academic year that will give students a chance to come together and meet other students and faculty within Wilkinson College, Wilkinson Winterfest and Wilkinson Earth Day.
“We have some very exciting events coming up this year! On December 2nd Wilkinson Winterfest will be taking place in AF119AB, 4 -6 p.m. There’s going to be free food, games, and crafts; it will be a great opportunity to unwind before finals,” said Wilkinson SGA Senator, senior Nicole Drew.
The Council ran a contest in early October, looking for a one-of-a-kind, student-created design for a special edition Wilkinson Winterfest t-shirt to be given out at the event, as well as a limited-edition Wilkinson Earth Day tote bag to be given to students at the second big event in spring (details for the Wilkinson Earth Day event to be announced soon!).
Owen Agbayani’s (’25, English major, Psychology minor) design won for the Winterfest t-shirt and Suzi Cullen’s (’25, Graphic Design major) one-of-a-kind design will be on the Wilkinson-themed Earth Day canvas tote.
“This design is a personified earth with a heart next to it, which is encircled by text about Wilkinson. I additionally included a message saying “protect our earth.” This is a strong message that will hopefully impact whoever reads it. I think that overall the design highlights Wilkinson’s mission of building a passionate and participatory community,” said Cullen.
The Wilkinson Student Advisory and Leadership Council is a team of Wilkinson College students working with college administrators concerning the needs, perspectives, and activities of students majoring and minoring within the College. Through conversation and collaboration, the Council provides insight into the student experience with the goal of improving community and enhancing the educational and comprehensive experience within Wilkinson. In addition, the Council will run a contest to select the 2023 student commencement speaker, details will be announced early in the spring semester.
This year the Council is run by Drew, a Political Science and Philosophy major; German Studies minor, who just recently added 2022-2023 Laura Scudder Award recipient to her long list of accomplishments. Her goal, as President of the Council, is to amplify students’ voices within the College, and expand the Council’s membership.
“I hope to open up the dialogue between students and the administration to more students so that they can help bring about the improvements they would like to see in Wilkinson College,” said Drew.
“I encourage anyone who is interested in taking on a more active leadership role in Wilkinson to apply for the Wilkinson Student Advisory and Leadership Council. Our meetings are once a month and as a member of the council you will have the opportunity to help plan events like Wilkinson Winterfest and make a positive impact on Wilkinson College. Applications are open on a rolling basis all year and are open to all grade levels and majors and minors within Wilkinson!”