Group of people smiling.

Orange High School Literacies Partnership Students accompanied by Partnership Co-Director Marianne Petersen at Chapman University for the Elie Wiesel lecture, Writers Who Have Shaped My Writing (April 15, 2013).

The Chapman University/Orange High School Literacies Partnership, directed by Jan Osborn, collaborates with
The John Fowles Center for Creative Writing
, directed by Mark Axelrod, to provide a series of creative writing workshops for Orange High School students, grades 9 – 12. The Young Writers Workshop Series is an after-school program inviting the high school students to come to the university to learn techniques of writing fiction and poetry. The program has served between twenty and twenty-five high school students each spring since 2009. This year, graduate student Nadia Karim, co-coordinated the workshops.

English Department
graduate students serve as creative writing instructors for the high school students who attend the after-school program. Each instructor works with a small group of students to develop their creative writing. After the writing sessions, the students attend The John Fowles Center Literary Forums, meeting and listening to readings by international writers. The last forum each season features the work of the high school students, as they read for their parents, the Orange High School community, and Chapman University.

Orange High School Principal Ernest Gonzalez fully supports the partnership and the Young Writers Workshop Series, welcoming Professor Osborn and the graduate students to OHS to talk with his students about the workshops. English teachers Marianne Petersen and Alice Prothero are instrumental in serving as liaisons for the Partnership.