Join the Leatherby Libraries for a book launch and signing for two books: Generation Space: A Love Story, by Anna Leahy and Douglas R. Dechow, and Living in the Weather of the World, by Richard Bausch on Friday, April 7, 2017, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30  p.m. in the Center for American War Letters Archives, Leatherby Libraries, Lower Level.

Richard Bausch is a professor of English at Chapman University and the author of twelve novels and eight volumes of short stories. He is a recipient of the PEN/Malamud Award, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Lila Wallace Reader’s Digest Award, andthe Literature Award from the Academy of Arts and Letters. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Esquire, Playboy, GQ, Harper’s Magazine, and other publications and has been featured in numerous best-of collections, including The O. Henry Prize Stories, Best American Short Stories, and New Stories from the South.

Anna Leahy and Douglas R. Dechow work and teach at Chapman University. Generation Space: A Love Story (Stillhouse Press, 2017) is their first book together. Anna is the author of the poetry collections Aperture (Shearsman, 2017) and Constituents of Matter (winner of the Wick Poetry Prize, Kent State University Press, 2007). Her book Tumor will be out in fall 2017 from Bloomsbury’s Object Lessons series, and Conversing with Cancer, her co-authored book with health communication scholar Lisa Sparks, is forthcoming in Peter Lang’s Language as Social Action series. Doug is the co-author of The Craft of Librarian Instruction (with Julie Artman and Jeff Sundquist, ALA 2016) and SQEAK: A Quick Trip to Objectland (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2001) and the co-editor with mathematician Daniele Struppa of Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson (Springer, 2015). See more at

Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Esther Shin at (714) 532-6027 or