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America’s War For The Greater Middle East Guest Speaker Andrew Bacevich

March 11, 2016 by | News

Chapman is proud to present, special guest speaker (and author), Andrew Bacevich, on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8 p.m. in the Lyon Conference Center, Argyros Forum 209, in a lecture titled, America’s War For The Greater Middle East. Professor Bacevich is an American historian specializing in international relations, security studies, American foreign policy, and

What to do after graduation Learn about options

March 4, 2016 by Shoshana Feld-Sobol | News

The time has actually come – you are graduating from college! For some of you this means you’re officially done with schooling for the rest of your life; for others, this means leaping into a concentrated discipline at graduate school; for the career driven individuals, your highly awaited graduation means gaining real time work experience

Reimagining Local Government Was a Huge Success

February 26, 2016 by Shoshana Feld-Sobol | News

Chapman University’s Political Science Department presented their second all day annual conference on the topic of local government on Thursday, February 25, 2016. The conference brought out highly involved and powerful political figures from Southern California, engaging speakers, a lively audience, and curious members of the press. The diverse array of people in the

Culture and Business: An Italian Perspective March 5, 2016

January 28, 2016 by | News

You’re invited to become part of Italy’s new renaissance on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at the Culture and Business: An Italian Perspective conference presented by Chapman University Italian Studies Council. This symposium will bring together innovative business leaders who are working at the crossroad of Italy and America to share stories and

The Presidency at War Evan Thomas

January 27, 2016 by | News

Please join us on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 in the Wallace All Faiths Chapel to hear author, Evan Thomas ( Being Nixon, 2015 ), 7-10 p.m. in a lecture titled, The Presidency at War. Mr. Thomas will be talking about some of the larger problems presidents face when the nation goes to war, discussing

Reimagining Local Government: Strengthening Democracy in Our Communities February 25, 2016

January 22, 2016 by | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Political Science present, Reimagining Local Government: Strengthening Democracy in Our Communities, on Thursday, February 25, 2016, 9 a.m.- 6:45 p.m. in Argyros Forum 209ABC (see conference agenda for details). Join us for four panel discussions with political and educational experts, as they dive into topics relating

Archaeological Dig: June-July 2016 Looking for volunteers to work

November 30, 2015 by | News

Chapman Professor Justin Walsh is looking for student volunteers to work on an archaeological project in the south of Spain, June – July 2016. He will be collaborating with a group of Spanish archaeologists called Forvm MMX at the site of Castulo. This city was inhabited from ca. 700 BCE to 1600 CE, and it

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