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Wilkinson College Acquires Historic Black Newspapers Database

January 28, 2021 by | News

This month students and faculty gain access to The ProQuest Historical Newspapers-Black Newspapers Database which houses nationally distributed, regionally diverse, historical black newspapers and provides students and faculty with perspectives and information on 19th and 20th-century Black life not found in mainstream newspapers. This resource will spur innovative scholarship and creative activities across the curriculum.

Career Corner Wilkinson Alumni Combines Degree and Passion to Make His Dream into a Career

December 17, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

I recently came across an article, The Greatest Collection, highlighting Wilkinson College alumnus Jeffrey Griffith (’11, BA History, BS Business Administration) and I became instantly intrigued by his story. I wanted to know more about how his college degree, along with his hobby as a hockey card enthusiast, led him to be the successful author

Thanksgiving is a Complex Holiday

November 20, 2020 by | News

When it comes to the history of Thanksgiving, the mainstream version goes like this – white settlers on the Mayflower that landed near Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620 were greeted by a friendly Wampanoag tribe, who had lived there for thousands of years prior. The Wampanoag tribe taught the new settlers how to catch

In Honor of Veterans The Escalette celebrates all service members

November 11, 2020 by Lindsay Shen | News

This Veterans Day, the Escalette thanks all service members for their countless sacrifices to ensure our safety and freedom. In their honor, today we feature a work by a veteran artist in the Escalette Collection and reflect on the unique ability of art to help us connect with others’ viewpoints and experiences with empathy and

Reverend William J. Barber II Promotes Hope, not Hate

October 28, 2020 by Samantha De La O | News

Reverend William J. Barber has hope for the future of American democracy, and little tolerance for defeatism, or for the news media that fuels it. “We have got to stop excusing language that creates desperation,” said Barber. “[The media] talks about the 61 million people that voted for Trump, but they don’t talk about the

Faculty Books: Kevin O’Leary and Madison’s Sorrow

September 8, 2020 by Philip Goodrich | News

With a current political environment that seems more divisive than ever, many Americans find themselves questioning the actions, decisions, and beliefs of those in power. In his new book, “Madison’s Sorrow: Today’s War on the Founders and America’s Liberal Ideal,” (Pegasus Books distributed by Simon & Schuster), Kevin C. O’Leary (Political Science) provides “an eye-opening cultural

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