Bound in Bone: A New Student-Generated Exhibition in Roosevelt Hall

January 12, 2024 by Jessica Bocinski | News

As part of Wilkinson College’s 2023 Engaging the World Initiative, Leading the Conversation on Health Equity, the Escalette Collection of Art partnered Wilkinson and Crean College students with LA-based artist Jenny Yurshansky to create an experiential display in Roosevelt Hall titled Bound in Bone. The exhibition will be on display until November, 2024. Roosevelt Hall


Systems Shift: Creating and Navigating Change in Rhetoric and Composition Administration

December 12, 2023 by | News

In 2017, Dr. Aurora Matzke (English) and a few colleagues started having casual conversations about how systems and networks stymie efforts to create more inclusive programs and institutions. Everything from academic labor issues and workplace boundaries to inclusive assessment benchmarks and equitable service requirements. Soon thereafter, Dr. Matzke and these colleagues presented this topic on


Sewing in Community: Tahereh Sheerazie 

December 12, 2023 by Jessica Bocinski | News

The Escalette Permanent Art Collection recently welcomed Tahereh Sheerazie, textile artist and landscape designer, to Chapman University. Sheerazie is a member of The Running Stitch, a sewing and quilting collective for Muslim women based in Los Angeles that has been active for over twenty-two years. In her lecture, Sewing In Community, Sheerazie emphasized the idea


Advice for Wilkinson College December Graduates

December 12, 2023 by | News

Graduating early? Sure this is great for the pocketbook, but it forces the new graduate to enter the job search a semester earlier. During the holidays, many companies are not hiring and recruiters are not active. Time to find the bright side and grab a hold of the opportunities that do exist! I suggest getting


Wilkinson College Design Contest Winners! 

December 12, 2023 by | News

Each fall semester the Wilkinson Student Advisory and Leadership Council runs a contest for Wilkinson College students to create a design for new Wilkinson stickers to distribute at college events and a student-designed Wilkinson-themed canvas tote to distribute on Earth Day. This year we were flooded with amazing artwork. Thank you to everyone that participated!


Chapman Student Interns in NYC With The Daily Show

November 27, 2023 by Erika Taylor | News

Wilkinson College Journalism Student Antony Post (’24 B.A. Film and Media Studies, Journalism minor) interned with The Daily Show in New York City earlier this year as a Production Intern.  During his internship, Post undertook a variety of responsibilities within different departments at the show. These tasks included acting as a production assistant on filmed


A Discussion on Trans Health with Chapman Alum

November 27, 2023 by Syd Brewster | News

As part of the Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Health Equity series, Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences recently hosted a Trans Health and Wellness panel featuring trans Chapman alumni who are active in the community. According to the panelists, there was no visibility


Defining Democracy: Democratic Commitment in the Arab World

November 16, 2023 by | Wilkinson College

Assistant Professor Hannah Ridge (Political Science) recently published her first book, Defining Democracy: Democratic Commitment in the Arab World. The book focuses on how Arabic-speakers in the Middle East use the word dimuqratiyya. The English translation – democracy – fails to capture the nuance of how the word is employed, according to Dr. Ridge. “When


Celebrating First-Generation College Students

November 8, 2023 by | News

November 8 was National First-Generation College Day, honoring the Higher Education Act of 1965 and Chapman University celebrated first-gen students with a week-long list of events, helping to support them through study sessions, letter writing, food, and teaching them about the Promising Futures Program (PFP) at Chapman. As part of the celebration, the Voice of

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