Student Researchers Assist DHS Efforts to Protect Public Officials

June 22, 2023 by | News

Chapman University students and recent graduates in Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences are conducting research that will be used to help alleviate the rising numbers of threats against public officials in the U.S. Funded by a grant from the National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center (NCITE) at the University of Nebraska


Internal Research Grants Awarded 2023

June 12, 2023 by | News

Congratulations to the eleven Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences projects that were awarded a total of $106,805 from two new internal grant programs – Chapman University’s inaugural Faculty Grant for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities and Wilkinson College’s Scholarly/Creative Activity Faculty Grant! Below is a summary of each of the funded projects.


A Historic Event for the Amahuaca People of Peru

May 27, 2023 by | News

The Amahuaca people number fewer than 1,000 individuals, of whom only 330 speak the Native language. For the first time, thanks to the work of Wilkinson College’s Dr. Pilar Valenzuela, representatives from all the Amahuaca villages gathered in the city of Pucallpa in Peru to assess the status of their Native language and prepare a


2023-2024 Faculty Honors & Award Recipients

May 22, 2023 by Allison DeVries | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences’ outstanding faculty in our eight academic departments and numerous interdisciplinary programs support innovative curriculum, cutting-edge research, and public programming to ensure that the arts, humanities, and social sciences remain the distinguishing component in every student’s education. This spring, the Wilkinson College faculty listed below were recognized with


Wilkinson College 2023 Student Award Winners

May 15, 2023 by | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science students were recently recognized with honors in a series of events that constituted this year’s annual Wilkinson award ceremonies and the 15th annual Campus Leadership Awards. Congratulations to all the winners! Gloria and Julian Peterson Award: Berkana McDowell ’23, Peace Studies, Environmental Science and Policy (pictured above)


Dr. Luke Nichter’s Unexpected White House Call

May 10, 2023 by Grace Galusha '23 | News

The Voice of Wilkinson sat down with Dr.  Luke A. Nichter, Professor of History and James H. Cavanaugh Endowed Chair in Presidential Studies, to talk about his time serving on the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation in Washington, DC. After getting an unexpected call from the White House in 2020, notifying him of his appointment,


What Were You Wearing: C.A.R.E.S. on Victim Blaming

May 10, 2023 by Isabella Broome | News

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Throughout the month, Creating a Rape-free Environment for Students (C.A.R.E.S.) hosted events for students to learn about issues surrounding sexual violence, as well as create a space for students to share their story. C.A.R.E.S. created the “What Were You Wearing Exhibit” in collaboration with the Argyros Forum Student Union,


Graduate Research: Elizabeth Tran Wins Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award

May 10, 2023 by David Krausman | News

Elizabeth Tran (she/her) Dual MA English/MFA Creative Writing ‘23 LinkedIn Elizabeth Tran was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award for her paper titled, “Labor-Based and/or Rubric-Based? Examining the Effects of a Hybrid Grading System in the Composition Classroom” at this year’s College English Association (CEA) conference in San Antonio, Texas. This paper came out


Literary Pub(Lishing) Crawl Brings Momentum of Inspiration

May 9, 2023 by Bailey Powell | News

The Department of English and Leatherby Libraries recently hosted the 2023 Literary Pub(lishing) Crawl, an annual event focused on writing careers and learning how authors went from page to publication. This year’s event connected contemporary writers in the industry to a community of budding writers. Wilkinson College Career Manager Erin Berthon opened the event by


Find What Makes You Come Alive: A Guide by Ivellisse Morales

May 9, 2023 by Isabella Broome | News

Wilkinson College’s Department of Art’s Visual Thinker Lecture Series brought in graphic designer and company owner Ivellisse Morales to speak about her journey in building her career. Motivated by the desire to merge her artistic and communication skills with creating change in the world, Morales founded Bombilla, which is a company of five women of

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