20 posts tagged

MFA Creative Writing/MA English


Why Chapman MFA By Elena Goodenberger

January 22, 2020 by Elena Goodenberger | English

When I first visited Chapman University at the ripe age of sixteen, I have to admit that the number one thing that attracted me to the school was its proximity to Disneyland. As a kid from Oregon who frequently made PowerPoints (complete with airfare options, hotel prices, rental car coupons, and MapQuest directions) to convince

So you’re in an MFA program–now what? A guest post by MFA Candidate Ariel N. Banayan

September 17, 2019 by Ariel N. Banayan | English

Fear and Loathing in an MFA Before I started the MFA in Creative Writing program at Chapman University, my understanding of an MFA student wasn’t accurate. I imagined stereotypical nerds dropping words like preposterous, obfuscation, pellucidity, and sesquipedalian into day-to-day conversations to prove a point about their fancy craft, whatever that meant. Honestly, I knew

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