105 posts categorized in



What is the Online Classroom Inventory (OCI)?

September 15, 2022 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Community, Did you know that there is a way to search Chapman classrooms to see what a classroom looks like and what the room features are?  Using the Online Classroom Inventory (OCI), you can: Search Chapman classrooms by building, by feature, by capacity, or by category (laboratory, active learning classroom, etc.). View photos

Classroom Blu-Ray Players

July 18, 2022 by | Technology

The Classroom Technology team has decided to gradually remove Blu-Ray players from classroom AV systems. The decision was made based on usage data that was gathered from an AV-based application called ‘Extron GlobalViewer’, along with input from the Media Services team. The data showed that the Blu-Ray source was the least used compared to other

Hypothes.is One-on-one consultation

February 11, 2022 by | Canvas

Are you interested in increasing student engagement, expanding reading comprehension, and building critical thinking and community in classes? Hypothes.is allows for collaborative annotation that makes reading active, visible, and social, enabling students to engage with their texts, teachers, ideas, and each other in deeper, more meaningful ways. Autumn Ottenad, Customer Success Specialist from Hypothes.is offers

Adding Accessible Teaching Desks to Classrooms For Instructors

November 30, 2021 by | Technology

Many of our original classroom designs did not include lecterns or teaching tables that had accessibility as a foundational goal.  We are in the process of upgrading classrooms and adding motorized adjustable-height tables. In these rooms, keyboards and touch panels are now much more convenient for a majority of users to control and access. In

Teaching Untethered Step away from the podium

October 29, 2021 by | Faculty

Teaching untethered removes the physical barriers that separate instructors from the students. The connected classrooms are equipped with Apple TV. Instructors use airplay on the iPad to share their screen with the classroom projector.  We encourage instructors to interact with their students and step away from the podium. Instructors can walk around the classroom and

I updated my Mac and can’t share my screen in Zoom!

September 6, 2021 by | Faculty

If you have updated your Mac Operating System to macOS 10.14 Mojave or later, you need to authorize your computer to give permission to Zoom to use the computer’s microphone and camera, share the screen, or allow others to remotely control your desktop. This is due to increased security permissions in Mac Operating System. After

Visit the ETS Linktree

July 19, 2021 by | Faculty

What is Linktree? Linktree is a website that allows you to create a personalized and easily customizable webpage that houses all the important links you want to share with your audience. Why did ETS create a Linktree? We were looking for a simple way to put all our most important links in one place. At

Canvas Updates April 2021

April 6, 2021 by | Canvas

Assignments Webcam Submissions Summary In File Upload assignments, students can use their webcam to submit to an assignment. Change Benefit This change allows students to use their webcam to submit a file upload assignment from the browser and aligns behavior with the Canvas Student app. Affected User Roles & Behaviors Students For File Upload assignments,

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