Table of flowers and name tags
     As the 2014-2015 academic year came to an end, Chapman University’s Crean College hosted a senior awards reception on the evening of May 21st. Students arrived alongside the support of family and friends in Crean Hall’s atrium and were greeted with turquoise stoles as a token of the
Senior Honors Award Certificates
college’s appreciation. Dr. Janeen Hill, Dean of Crean College, welcomed and seated our guests as the ceremony began.
Undergraduate Awards crowd

Chair of the psychology department,
Dr. Laura Glynn
enthusiastically spoke of the dedication of the students, faculty and staff throughout the year. With over one hundred graduating seniors with a major in psychology, Dr. Glynn proudly recognized 15 students. Receiving honors from the Department of Psychology which highlighted the students’ prominent GPAs, volunteer work, internships, and for embracing challenging courses.

Presenters at the Senior Undergraduate Honors Awards

Dr. Schandler presents Taylor Stephens ’15 with her award.

Taylor Stephens’ many achievements throughout her time at Chapman were acknowledged. As President of the Psi Chi Honor’s Society, she was not only awarded with honors but with special recognition, receiving the Outstanding Leadership Award in addition to the Outstanding Senior Award personally presented by
Dr. Steven Schandler
. He commended and applauded her performance as a student and now friend, to whom Dr. Schandler now labels “a mini Schandler”. Her fellow classmate, Bonnie Truong, also received special recognition as she was awarded Outstanding Thesis for her senior research

Outstanding Senior award winner in Health Sciences

Cydnee Dufenhorst ’15 awarded as Outstanding Senior with Dr. Ken Sumida

Dr. Ken Sumida
provided opening remarks for the Health Science award presentations. 15 students received program honors and Cydnee Dufenhorst was awarded Outstanding Senior for her many contributions to the department, including serving as a student advisor. Parents and friends mingled with students and faculty following the awards as they enjoyed a banquet and photo booth. Congratulations to all of our undergraduates on their achievements!

Undergraduate Award Winners

Dr. Roberta Lessor with Caroline Mucho ’15 and her family

Undergraduate Award Winners

Taylor Stephens ’15 with Crean College staff member and awards ceremony organizer Monica Cataldo

Undergraduate Award Winner

Jenna Alley ’15 with her Psychology honor award



Dean Janeen Hill, as well as several faculty and students, pose at the Senior Awards.

Crean College faculty Dr. Boehm, Dean Hill, Dr. Glynn, Dr. Lessor, and Dr. Abbott