NSSLHA Chapter Receives Gold Level for the Second Year
The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association ( NSSLHA ) Chapter Honors are awarded to NSSLHA chapters that demonstrates significant combination of: an awareness of student issues and concerns, outreach to the community, educational opportunities, and social and fund-raising activities promoting both the professions and national NSSLHA. Gold level recognition is awarded to chapters who meet

John Hall helps Chapman Alumni with a Career Advancement Workshop
Why spend a summer Saturday learning about how to find your career path? Because John Hall is the master of helping people not only find their passion, but also helping them tap into it, and helping them locate organizations that fit their skills and passion. I have known John over 12 years and in that

CES Interns Work with Padres Unidos on Parenting Workshop
Padres Unidos, a Santa Ana based nonprofit recently sponsored a 12 week Spanish-language parenting workshop that resulted in a graduation celebration at Holy Family Cathedral in Orange. Word spread about the program, which gave the sixty participants a new insight into handling conflicts with their children— without resorting to anger. The program emphasized that

The Hope for Audacity Book Trilogy
Dean Don Cardinal, College of Educational Studies at Chapman University and Barry Kanpol, former dean in the College of Education and Public Policy at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), wanted to see how the faculty at two universities, could work together to edit a series of books. The successful outcome of the

Sandra Koen on her Semester Abroad in Spain
Post from Sandra Koen about her experience studying abroad in Spain in the spring semester of 2012 with another Athletic Training Student, Naomi Singleton. While studying abroad last spring in Granada, Spain, I got to explore the other side of the world, their cultures and ways of living. I discovered that the Spanish style of living revolves

Doctoral Student, Janae Dimick on presenting at the International Diversity Association Annual Conference
Although I have had the opportunity to present at regional and national conferences before, participating in the International Diversity Association annual conference was my first experience sharing my research with an international audience. I’ll admit, I was nervous. However, the audience members who attended my presentation were enthusiastic in their response to my work, and

Ph.D. Student Selected for Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Courtney Matz, a Ph. D. student in the School Psychology emphasis was selected by the California Teacher’s Association (CTA) as a recipient of a 2012 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship! Congrats Courtney!

Student Voice--Henry Santos, Doctoral Student
As my first year in Chapman’s College of Educational Studies doctoral program comes to a close, my entire perspective of the world has changed. I now view our society from a different lens, understanding that there is much work to do in the field of education with regards to social justice, equity, and liberatory pedagogy.

2011-2012 College of Educational Studies Year Book
Click on the link below to access the 2011-2012 College of Educational Studies Year Book College of Educational Studies 2011 – 2012 Year Book

Student Projects Highlight Business, Sports and more!
Tomorrow, May 10th, there will be a student project fair held in Reeves Room 1 (Reading Center) from 8:30-9:20am. Please join Dr. Don Morris and his AT 386 students as they showcase a month of hard work in the form of business, sport, and other projects. These projects have been built to last past their