Skype for Business Coming To Chapman In 2015

February 2, 2015 by Richard Jenkins | Uncategorized

We’ve been using instant messaging applications for going on 20 years. First it was with AOL Instant Messenger, then it was with Skype, and today it’s with Facebook. Not only has IM changed the way we consider discussing our lives and sharing our stories with each other, but it’s also adjusted the way we consider


In The New Year, Protect Personal Information

February 2, 2015 by Todd Plesco | Uncategorized

Marketing experts predicted this sales season to have had a 4% boost compared to last year, including an 8.3% rise in online sales on Christmas Day. The boost is mostly in part due to smart phones. It is assumed that half of all transactions this holiday season had something to do with a mobile device.


The Consumer Digital Technology Footprint

February 2, 2015 by Helen Norris | Uncategorized

Last year, I attended Web Summit in Dublin, Ireland, where I participated in a panel to discuss this topic, concerning the impact consumer focused digital technology has on the industry of IT. The panel was part of Web Summit’s EnterpriseX session, which focused on leaders in more traditional enterprises, rather than start-ups. Earlier in October,

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