Leatherby Libraries

Community of Readers
joined together this past Friday for a fun afternoon of lunch, books and prizes.

Held in the
Center for American War Letters
reading room, the Community of Readers shared what they’ve been reading this summer along with recommending new titles. The second monthly drawing was held at this time as well as the grand prize drawing.

James McCulloch from the Facilities department won the July/August Monthly Prize and Ashley Kemp from the Dale E. Fowler School of Law won the Grand Prize. Both received a tote bag filled with gifts from the Leatherby Libraries as a token of appreciation for their participation in this summer reading program.

This year had a total number of 34 participants with a final number of 172 reviews! Our largest review month was June with 99 reviews, then July (55), August (17), and May with one review.

Thanks to all who participated and joined us again this year for another great summer of reading!
Special thanks to Jessica Bower, Lugene Rosen, Annette Anderson-Ma, Cori Schmidtbauer, David Carson and Kerry Ortloff.

For more information about the Community of Readers program – visit

See you all next summer!

CoR Final Party

CoR Final Party






