The John Fowles Center presents documentary film maker, IIona Ziok on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7 p.m. in Argyros Forum, 209 C.  This event is free and open to the public. $full-image-alt

About Ziok … Ilona Ziok’s family emigrated from Poland in 1968 to Britain, where she continued her education.  Between 1975-1977, she studied theater and film studies at the City University of New York and worked at the Bread and Puppet Theater.  From 1977 to 1982 she studied political science, Slavic Studies and Theatre and Film Studies at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main from which she graduated in 1982 with an MA degree.  From 1985-1989 she held a DAAD scholarship at the Moscow Film Academy (VGIK) and received her PhD in 1989 in Frankfurt studying dramaturgy with Viktor Rosows. Her documentary films include: Corridor (1995) (producer); Kurt Gerron Carousel (director/producer) (1999); The Republic Stage (2003) (TV) (producer); Salvador Allende (co-producer) (2004); Tiger (2006) (producer); The Sounds of Silents – The Silent Film Pianist (director/producer) (2006); The squire and the Communist (director/producer) (2009) and Fritz Bauer (director/producer) (2010)