Faculty Buzz Professor Kozameh Travels Across the World Presenting Her Work
October 3, 2018
Professor Alicia Kozameh (Department of English) has returned from a trip to her native country, Argentina, where she was invited to present her new poetry book, Sal de sangres en guerra (Salt from Bloods in War) at the University of Cordoba, during the IV International Conference Languages of Memory, dedicated to individual, social and political memory, held by the Facultad de Lenguas and the Facultad de Artes, National University of Cordoba on September 20, 21 and 22. After this event, another presentation organized by Alción, the book’s publishing house, was held by Casa Bayola in the city of Rosario, on September 24. This book is the first volume in a series of five to be published over the next few years.
On May 23-26, Professor Kozameh attended the LASA (Latin American Studies Association) convention in Barcelona, Spain, where she participated in two panels, one of them by a group of scholars presenting papers about Kozameh’s own literary work, and the other one discussing the subject of “political repression, memory and the diverse ways to generate justice and peace.” In June, she also gave a presentation at the University of Milano, Italy, on her books and her experiences as a political prisoner during the last military dictatorship in Argentina.