Dean Patrick Fuery
(Principal Investigator) (
Dr. Ann Gordon
Dr. Kelli Fuery
(Dodge College), and Natalie Lawler (University Art Curator) have been awarded a $200,000 grant from the European Union to develop Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) at Chapman University.

The funds will be used to build a series of networks and ongoing projects in CCI between Europe and Chapman. This will include: hosting three artists/writers/scholars in residence from Europe, to ‘translate’ their projects within Chapman and local communities; run a major international conference that will include key academics, strategists, policy makers, and practitioners from Europe and the USA;  and launch an incubator that will allow faculty and students to build ongoing CCI projects in California and Europe.

“We are already developing partnerships with organizations in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Finland, and the UK, as well as some of the key creative industry players in California,” said Dean Fuery. “The grant will provide a great launch for the ongoing development of CCI in WCAHSS and Chapman.”