Who's Ready For Faster Internet?

August 2, 2016 by | Uncategorized

As Chapman University continues to grow, the need for reliable high speed access to Internet and research networks becomes even more important.   The demand for internet is growing constantly, whether it is in support of administrative work and research on the part of faculty and staff, or to support the needs of students, sometimes focused


Pokémon Go: Stay safe while having fun

July 14, 2016 by George Viegas | Announcements

The world seems to be going crazy for Pokémon Go. We want you enjoy this great game, but at the same time please exercise caution and use the same safety tips that you would with any other campus activities. Our Chapman public safety and information security teams have some safety tips below for you: Some Pokémon will


Qualtrics File Upload Now Available

July 13, 2016 by | Announcements

Good Morning Fellow Panthers! Today we’re excited to tell you about a new feature now available in Qualtrics.  All Chapman University staff and faculty Qualtrics users now have the ability to use a new question type in their surveys call “File Upload”.    Now I know that probably does not sound that exciting at first, but


Pass-Phrase vs Password

July 11, 2016 by | Announcements

Hello Fellow Panthers, I hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing summer break thus far.  As we begin to approach the Fall 2016 semester, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of the importance of resetting your password.  Over the summer we have had several attempts by cyber scammers to access several


Fireworks and Online Safety

July 1, 2016 by | Announcements

The CAL FIRE’s office offers safety tips for using fireworks over the long weekend. We at Chapman University’s office of Information Security would also like to offer some safety tips for online safety. Just like increased firework activity, phishers will be active over the long holiday weekend and will try to get you to click on their


Exchange.chapman.edu Is Getting a Makeover

June 1, 2016 by | Uncategorized

Big News Everyone, On June 10th, 2016, the exchange.chapman.edu login portal will be getting a new cosmetic makeover.  The login page will reflect the Chapman (cardinal) red color along with the Chapman logo.  It is important to know that this is a cosmetic change only and will have no impact to your email access or interface. This change


Passphrases and the top 20 commonly used passwords on LinkedIn

May 23, 2016 by George Viegas | Uncategorized

Back in 2012 LinkedIn suffered a breach wherein 6.5 million passwords were exposed. LinkedIn responded by forcing a password reset on all 6.5 million impacted accounts. This week reports have surfaced about an additional dataset of email and hashed passwords of more than 100 million LinkedIn members (please copy and paste https://blog.linkedin.com/2016/05/18/protecting-our-members). This additional dataset


Laptops to Go

May 11, 2016 by | Uncategorized

How many of you have ever run into a situation where you needed a computer for an important project and did not have access to one?  Well IS&T and Student Engagement partnered together and came up with a vision, and that was “Laptop to Go”.   In April 2016, that vision became a reality as the


Friendly Tax Season Reminder

April 15, 2016 by | Announcements

Dear Chapman University Community As we approach the end of tax season our new Information Security Officer, George Viegas, would like to take a moment to offer some tips to help you avoid scammers and their tricks. Please take a moment to read his statement below: The Internal Revenue Service issued a warning yesterday that

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