Last month, Chapman University IS&T announced our partnership with the YuJa video platform to replace Panopto as the central platform to create, manage, discover, and share video content across devices. Our goal is to complete this transition by the end of the year. 

Today, we want to share our plans for the sunsetting of Panopto. 

We are working on migrating all Panopto videos created in the past three years to YuJa. We anticipate this process to complete in June 2022. Additionally, we plan to migrate content with documented viewership older than three years. Once the migration process is complete, you will be able to access your videos on or by accessing YuJa in Canvas.

Key Dates 

  • March 28, 2022 – YuJa launches
  • June 2022 – Existing content migrates into YuJa
  • November 2022 – Panopto becomes unavailable

In August 2022, the videos in Panopto will become read-only. Finally, in November 2022, Panopto will become unavailable.

IS&T will continue to update the Chapman community with the project’s progress and information on the transition via IS&T’s YuJa page and the Working @ Chapman newsletter. Please visit the Educational Technology Services programming site to sign up for the upcoming YuJa training sessions. 


Thank you, 

Chapman University Information Systems & Technology 

Follow IS&T on Instagram and Twitter: chapmanu_ist